There is something magical about singing with children. You don't have to have the voice of a professional singer and the simplest songs can add a beautiful rhythm to your days. It is amazing how happily my little ones help clean up, when I sing our sweeping fairies song as I sweep the floor. I am no singer, but they are enchanted every time!
Here are a few songs from the Cedarwood Waldorf School that you might want to incorporate into your own springtime rhythm. You can find the audio tracks to learn the melodies, and plenty more songs in their original post!
Here's a song that could be sung while making channels in the mud after a rainstorm (what child doesn't love this activity??) or would be equally appropriate to accompany dish washing at the end of the day.
Flowing Water
Flowing water, gently flowing river
finding a path to the deep blue sea.
Calm and silent, gently flowing river
your reflection I will be.

This classic song that builds upon itself is a delight to young children, who love to anticipate the next line and try to sing along as it gets faster and faster! I remember singing this song with my father on long road trips.
The Green Grass Grew
In the woods,
There was a hole,
The prettiest hole,
You ever did see!
Well, the hole is in the woods,
And the green grass grew,
All around, all around,
And the green grass grew all around.
And in that hole,
There grew a tree,
The prettiest tree
You ever did see!
Well, the tree is in the hole,
The hole is in the woods,
And the green grass grew
All around, all around
The green grass grew all around.
And on that tree,
There was a branch,
The prettiest branch
You ever did see!
Well, the branch is on the tree,
The tree is in the hole,
The hole is in the woods,
And the green grass grew
All around, all around,
And the green grass grew all around.
And on that branch,
There was a nest,
The prettiest nest,
You ever did see!
Well, the nest is on the branch,
The branch is on the tree,
The tree is in the hole,
The hole is in the woods,
And the green grass grew
All around, all around,
And the green grass grew all around.
And in that nest,
There was an egg.
The prettiest egg
You ever did see!
Well, the egg is in the nest,
The nest is on the branch,
The branch is on the tree,
The tree is in the hole,
And the green grass grew
All around, all around,
And the green grass grew all around.
And on that egg,
There was a bird,
The prettiest bird
You ever did see!
Well, the bird on the egg,
The egg is in the nest,
The nest is on the branch,
The branch is on the tree,
The tree is in the hole,
The hole is in the woods,
And the green grass grew
All around, all around,
And the green grass grew all around.
And the green grass grew
All around, all around,
And the green grass grew all around.