Challenge & Fun Blog — Natural Toys

Why Should A Child's Toy Be Beautiful? - Challenge & Fun, Inc.

Why Should A Child's Toy Be Beautiful?

In the third and final blog post in our series explaining our tagline "Simple - Natural - Adorable" we explore why children's products should be "adorable" or beautiful. In other words, why the emphasis on aesthetics and beauty, versus simple pragmatic function? Certainly, there are many toys and games that serve a role and could function just as well as their beautifully designed counterparts. Is it ego? Prestige? Why do we care? Why does it make a difference? Let's explore.

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Why Natural Toys? - Challenge & Fun, Inc.

Why Natural Toys?

Why the "Natural" in our tagline, Simple - Natural - Adorable? In other words -  Why are we obsessed with natural toys?

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